5 Things You Can Do In Dallas While Social Distancing

5 Things You Can Do In Dallas While Social Distancing

Dallas skyline reflected in Trinity River at sunset, Texas

Our world is changing drastically, it almost seems like there’s a new restriction put in place. The Bubble Ball team understands this challenge it and we also understand that it is hard to find new ways to occupy your time. Here are five things you can do in Dallas while social distancing.

1. Visit the Blooming Bluebonnets

Even though the bluebonnet Festival has been canceled you still have the opportunity to see them. Getting fresh air is healthy but it is just important you practice social distancing while you are doing it. 

The Native Texas Park’s trails are open for browsing, just be mindful to stay six feet away from people not in your group. The entry fee is free which makes it even better! Many other areas are open for bluebonnet viewing just visit iNaturalist.org and search bluebonnets and put in your location.

2. Catch Up On Reading 

Local authors have banded together to compile some of their favorite picks to look into while social distancing. Grab your friends and start a virtual book club! Here are some great local authors you can start with.

3. Online Music Concerts 

Who doesn’t love music? Now is a great time to take advantage of so many live streaming music concerts! Bob Marley said it best, “One good thing about music when it hits you feel no pain.” Check out TBA’s series of online concerts they are offering to help the spirit of the community, you don’t even have to leave the sofa.

4. Set New Wellness Goals or Work On Current Goals

When the new year came around you probably set some sort of wellness goal whether it was to lose weight, gain it, or simply eat healthier. Don’t give up on those goals, keep pushing and remember that one of the keys to setting goals is to be flexible. 

This Dallas trainer offers a workout requiring no equipment whatsoever. The best thing you can do right now is to make sure you are eating well, things like leafy greens and fresh fruits are the best choices. Since the grocery stores are still open you can either have your groceries delivered or visit the store yourself.

5. Volunteer

With schools closing and people being forced into unemployment there are a lot of people in need. Most people have chosen to stay at home to keep themselves and their families safe, as they should. The only problem is, there are still people in need and not a whole lot of people to help. 

Check with your local churches to see what they are doing in the community, two to one they have ways to connect you and support volunteer endeavors. Meals on Wheels is a great organization that makes sure those who are homebound get the meals they need. Being the number of homebound clients has increased it is a great way to help out.

Give Us A Call 

Times are hard but they will get better and Bubble Ball is committed to being a great source of entertainment for the long haul. Give us a call!